Luke Hunker
Artist Statement
Luke Hunker is a multi-media artist whose work both satirizes and comments on mainstays in popular culture both past, present, and future. Luke incorporates an excess of preexisting logos and characters that are intended for both immediate recognition and reference to niche subcultures. The pieces that combine and spawn from these elements often contain an energetic and fantasy-like narrative that conveys Luke’s uncontrollable desire for humor and satire. Luke often resorts to digital programs such as Photoshop to collage and draft his works. While some photo-based works stay in the digital realm, others escape the screen and are transferred onto physical mediums. This is where the juvenile appreciation of bright colors and easily recognizable imagery can transport the view to times past, present, or future. The chaotic and vibrant clash of colors and branding can be traced back to his appreciation for energetic genres of music such as metal (and its endless subgenres) and hyper pop. A prime example of this is Luke’s 2023 Untitled self-portrait. In what started off as a satirical take on nostalgia, he combines the branding and logos of popular childhood products to create an instantly recognizable and relatable painting. While ranging from manipulated photography to traditional painting, Luke strives to incorporate a youthful and chaotic energy. While often in the form of borrowed logos and characters, Luke’s work leaves viewers with a fresh comedic take on existing media.
Luke Hunker was born in Rochester Hills, Michigan in spring of 2003. His first interac2ons with art would be in the form of classes in elementary school, aSending Holy Regional School from k-8. High school, aSending Notre Dame Prep, would formally introduce Luke to the world of art. Like many, photography was the gateway drug to his interest in pursuing art. He credits his teacher Ned Divine, for keeping the class fun and relatable. S2ll residing in Rochester Hills, Luke is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Studio Art at Oakland University. Currently Luke is working and experimen2ng with themes of nostalgia and society’s value of it.
Artist Resume
•2025 (anticipated) Bachelor of Art, Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI
•2024 Student Showcase, Wilson Hall, Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI